Once done creating and adding all the pokemon you want, click File -> Save. Make sure everything is legal and proper so it transfers.
You can create them in pokegen itself or go to pokedit (The old form, not the new beta), make it there then download it and then drag and drop it into pokegen. Once you have downloaded it, open it and the click File -> Open and find your save file If not, put the rom onto your flashcart (using a micro SD card), play the game a bit then put the rom and save file onto your computer.

If you are using an emulator you can most likely use that rom and save file. No, I will not link you to a rom or save file. You can also find a completed save file to make things easier. You will need some sort of save file to work with so play up until you can trade pokemon. Make sure that the rom is compatible with your R4. Step 1 - Find a Rom of Pokemon Black, White, Black 2 OR White 2
This guide is more for people who already get the gist of how to make pokegen Pokemon and what not.

Pokegen pokemon are pokemon that are considered legal meaning they ARE hacked but still conform to the rules of the game. With the DS wifi servers shutting down, I decided to make a post about how to still get pokegen, pokedit, pokesav, legal, hacked etc pokemon into Pokemon X and Y.

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